From an idea to the project, to the finished product.
After a careful planning and development study, the articles are realized through technologically advanced machines which allow obtaining maximum precision.

Then every singular product is manually polished or brushed through an artisan process assigning them a unique appearance.
Safe and guaranteed
Characterized by a low thermal conductivity. Our material comes from the best steel mills and is guaranteed by certified traceability.

Durable and hygienic
The stainless steel alloying elements form a thin passive layer on the surface that regenerates itself. A transparent film guarantees protection during the years of daily use.
A correct maintenance with specific neutral products, which do not damage the passive film, preserves its resistance to corrosion, to scratches and nicks unchanged over time.
A natural material recyclable at 100% and unlimitedly. It does not undergo further treatments with painting or galvanic processes. The stainless steel industry economizes the use of primary energy, saving non-renewable resources and reducing waste.
An excellent environmental record.